Friday, 19 June 2020

Choice board
Welcome back bloggers. During the week we have been using choice boards. Choice boards are there for a reason because its easier because you can just go on our site and then get the work that we have to be working on. We also get a lot of stuff from the site. There's only 2 choice boards, reading and maths. 

Every week the teachers chose who is going to be on the choice board and who is going to be with the teacher. We also read the stories that we are supposed to read on the reading choice board. Theres also other activitities that you could be doing as well. We also have been reading this book he name is Dawn Raid.

This is what the book is about.

 You're having an amazing family holiday, one where everyone is there and all eighteen of you are squeezed into one house. Fast forward to 4 o'clock in the morning, and there's banging and yelling and screaming. The police are in the house, pulling people out of bed

My favourite part about this book was when it was the first time Macdonlds was open. I really think that its really helpful using choice boards because you can get your work done easier and faster. 

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